A Review on Bodyweight Burn Program - Fat Loss Exercise

This is just a review page, if you wish to jump straight to Bodyweight Burn official website, CLICK HERE!

Bodyweight Burn by Adam Steer is a fitness program that promises easy and fast fat loss.

Oh yeah...you may have heard of a similar promise by other weight loss programs and it's turned up to be BS.

At the moment you are thinking,"What miracle could Adam Steer's program possibly offer?".
There is no miracle when it comes to body fat loss - only fools don't know!

The hard fact is...it's all about self-confident. If you have self-confident, you get results. Is it not that what everyone want.

Well...this is what Bodyweight Burn program could offer. They are so confident that doing their special exercise for just 21 minutes per day, you could lose 21 lbs fat, with NO equipment.

Who is Adam Steer?
Is he legit?
Why would you want to believe in him?

Those are fair questions. It's crucial to know something about the person behind the program.

Adam Steer is a Bodyweight Exercise Specialist and Fat Loss Expert. He is a Certified Fitness Coach and have been in fitness business for more than 20 years. He had created innovative programs based on the latest research to completely transform people's lives.

The Bodyweight Burn - Fat Loss program for example. Just 21 minutes per day to tap into crucial fat loss methods that would keep you burning fat the whole day.

If you want to know more about Adam Steer and his Bodyweight Burn program, visit Adam Steer's official website here.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

5 Fat Burning Exercises To Help You Lose Fat Fast

5 Fat Burning Exercises
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Ballantyne

You don't need expensive cardio machines to lose fat. Instead, you can do fast workouts full of fun exercises for fat burning at home with hundreds of simple moves.

In fact, there are 5 simple categories of fat burning exercises. If you put at least one of each fat burning exercise into your workout routine, you'll lose fat at home in short workouts of 30 minutes or less, only 3 times per week.

The 5 fat burning exercises categories are squatting, pushing, pulling, single-leg exercises, and total body ab exercises. It's that simple. You can do hundreds of these types of home fat burning exercises with just your bodyweight, and I'm going to show you how.

In fact, you can put them together in a powerful fat burning circuit just like this. Start with a squat exercise, then do a pushup exercise, follow that with bodyweight or dumbbell rows, then do a single leg exercise, and then finish with a total body ab exercise. Do 10-15 repetitions per set. Don't rest between exercises. Rest one minute at the end of the circuit. If you are fit, you can do 1-2 more circuits. Powerful stuff!

The first category is the squatting motion. It is the most effective exercise method for burning calories because it uses your large leg muscles.

Here's something you didn't know. If you wanted to burn fat and flatten your stomach, and you only had time to do either bodyweight squats or ab crunches, you'd be better off doing squats! Squats will burn more calories, work more muscles, and help you burn fat better than crunches.

Fortunately, there are dozens and dozens of ways to do squats. For beginners, you can do wall squats or basic bodyweight squats. For intermediate level strength, you can do prisoner squats, Y-squats, and split squats (which also fall into the single-leg exercise category). Finally, if you are advanced, you can do single-leg squats. Those are all the bodyweight only exercises.

However, if you have dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells, you can do more advanced fat burning exercises like dumbbells squats, kettlebell swings, or deadlifts. But be careful, you can only do these exercises if you have proper technique. Fortunately, these exercises burn even more calories and help you sculpt your body and improve your fitness at the same time.

The next type of home fat burning exercise is the pushing movement. That means pushups of all kinds (kneeling, regular, close-grip, decline, spiderman, etc.) or presses with dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells. Again, hundreds of choices.

The third type of exercise is any type of pulling exercise. From chinups to pull-ups, bodyweight rows to dumbbell rows, kettlebell swings to deadlifts, there are a lot of options here, and as you see, some exercises can even cross-over into the squatting category. If you have resistance bands, you can use those as well.

The fourth category is back to the lower body, with some type of single-leg exercise. Your options include lunges, split squats, step-ups, 1-leg squats or 1-leg deadlifts, or even 1-leg lying hip extensions for beginners.

Finally, time to finish the circuit with a total body ab exercise. This does not include crunches. Instead, use stabilization and dynamic stabilization exercises like the plank, side plank, stability ball rollout and stability ball jackknife, mountain climbers, and all their variations.

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